Tumbleweeds Remembered

Tumbleweeds Remembered by Milt Ost, 2021, 272 pages, softcover.

This is the final book in the TUMBLEWEEDS trilogy. Milt Ost can now be found busily engaged in several writing projects and enjoying an active live in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Tumbleweeds Remembered shares the continuing saga of the Ost family’s epic journey across two continents and two centuries in time.

Milt Ost writes in the Prologue, “The first volume of the Tumbleweeds Trilogy focused mostly on the Oster Family’s life in Russia. The second presented their life in the great American heartland, ending with the death of Eddie’s father. Sadly the brave pioneers of Tumbleweed world are all gone. Many of those sturdy German-Russian immigrants now rest in quiet repose under the vast buffalo grass prairies of the Midwest. Some of their descendants have forgotten – and a few never really cared to know – the bitter struggles those courageous parents endured to make the America we so easily take for granted today.”

“The final volume in this multi-generational Oster journey continues with the fifth-generation son, Eddie, and his life of singular blessing, reaching around the globe. Eddie leaves that world of his fathers. But that magnetic Tumbleweed world never left Eddie. It painted his psyche with a palate of indelible colors that would never fade. As Eddie ventur4es into life, he will morph into a more formal Edward, Ed for short. But the Tumbleweed world will tint his heart for all time and reflect its ideals even in times yet to come. And that world will shadow his choices through storms and sunshine over a lifetime of service in heaven’s employ.”

Tumbleweeds Remembered paints the pages of his life as he carries on the patterns implanted in his soul until he, too, will join that host of resting under the same prairies, secure in the hope that this is not the end.”