Streeter Descendants Then "Til Now"

Compiled by Sandi Dewald Published by the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, Fargo, ND, 2010, 432 pages, Softcover

The book contains almost 8,000 entries of people living or having roots in Streeter, N.D. Entry information may include last name, first name, maiden name, spouse, children, parents, birth dates, marriage dates and death dates.

Sandi said, "I especially would like to thank my son, Michael and his wife Jody for helping me get started and answering my many computer questions and Jody’s help with the formatting. I also would like to thank Anne Nyren, Glenna Spitzer, and the many others that have sent or checked their families’ histories. Also the descendants of Streeter for without them this book would not have been possible.

The inspiration was from my dad, Bennie Dewald. We’d often visit about the many people of Streeter and wonder when they were here, who their relatives were or when they died. I thought it would be a fairly easy project to just type the information on the computer and put it in alphabetical order. Little did I know how much work it would take and how large and complex it would become. This book is a collection of people who have been a part of Streeter or of Streeter descendants as well as my family. I used Centennial Books, Jubilee Books, Family History Books, Streeter School Annuals, obituaries, newspapers, word of mouth, church history books, the internet and any other source I could. I apologize for the mistakes and omissions. None of them were done intentionally. Many times the above resources do not match and of course human error was, and will be the largest part. "

If anyone would like to send their information or make additions or corrections please e-mail me at Please mark your e-mail Family History as those are the only ones I will open.