The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection is pleased to provide this impressive centennial book of Streeter, North Dakota including Bloomfield and Richville.
The book includes these sections: 1) Streeter History/Streeter Herald Paper; 2) Older Photos; 3) Older Ads/Recipes; 4) Threshing; 5) 1955 Jubilee; 6) 1980 Jubilee; 7) Mackin Hotel; Northern Pacific; 8) Presbyterian Church; 9) Streeter Auto Building; 10) Streeter School; 11) Salt Lake; 12) Former and Lists of Businesses; 13) Current Businesses; 14) Organizations/Current Buildings (Memorial Hall Museum); 15) Churches; 16) Streeter History 1962-2004; 17) Family Histories; 18) Additional Older Photos; 19) Talent Show; and 20) Index.
John Dockter's Reflections to the Dakota Freie Presse newspaper in 1939 and 1940 is printed. Impressive historical documentation and photographs are included throughout the book.
The Streeter Family Histories section covers pages 117 to 367 including these German family names: Ackerman, Bachman, Bader, Baetsch, Balzer, Batelaan, Beck, Becker, Berglau, Bender, Bentz, Betz, Birkholz, Bitterman, Bonnet, Borth, Braun, Brenneise, DeWald, Brunner, Buchfink, Buck, Bossert, Deutscher, Dexheimer, Dockter, Doehr, Dorr, Ebel, Eckroth, Eder, Eisbenbeis, Elhard, Entzi, Enzminger, Erbele, Fandrich, Fercho, Fischer, Flemmer, Freier, Gienger, Goehring, Goff, Graf, Grenz, Gross, Grosz, Gums, Guthmiller, Hayne, Harr, Harter, Hauck, Haut, Hehn, Heier, Herpel, Hermann, Hettich, Himmerlich, Hochhalter, Hoff, Hoffer, Hoffman, Hofstadter, Horner, Horst, Hust, Iszler, Janke, Just, Kaiser, Kambeitz, Kammerer, Kauk, Ketterling, Kienzie, Kirschenmann, Klein, Kleingartner, Klundt, Kluthe, Knecht, Knell, Kopfmann, Kraft, Kramlich, Kubler, Kuehn, Kummer, Kuntz, Lachenmeier, Lang, Lauf, Lautt, Lehr, Lipp, Lunzman, Maas, Maier, Martin, Mayer, Meidinger, Meisch, Mertz, Miller, Moos, Morlock, Moser, Nenow, Neumiller, Opp, Perman, Pfaff, Pestal, Pfeifle, Phelps, Pietz, Priebe, Raile, Rau, Reich, Remboldt, Remmich, Rempfer, Rivinius, Roesler, Roth, Rueb, Ruff, Sayler, Schaffer, Schauer, Scheet, Schell, Scherr, Schlasinger, Schlecht, Schlechter, Schnabel, Schnaidt, Schlenker, Schmidt, Schock, Schopp, Schuler, Schultes, Schulz, Schumacher, Schumaker, Schutt, Schwartzwalter, Schwarz, Schwecke, Schweigert, Siegle, Speidel, Spitzer, Strehle, Stroh, Suko, Tarnasky, Veil, Voegele, Wagner, Wahl, Weisser, Weisz, Wentz, Wetzel, Wieland, Wittmier, Wolf, Wolff, Zenker, Zentner, Zimmerman, Zinck and Zurmiller.