Remembering... A Town That Was

By Myrna Miller Messer BookSurge LLC, Charleston, South Carolina, 2006, 283 pages, Softcover

The backcover of the book shares this text: "Remembering...A Town That Was paints an unforgettable portrait of Foxholm, a hardy diminutive town in remote north central North Dakota, whose fun-loving, resilient and often ecentric residents built a community and shared their lives. This heartwarming book portrays the author's personal recollections woven into the backdrop of local history, as the town went into an inexorable decline."

"Myrna Messer's loving tribute to this forgotten town describes the stories of her family and friends shaped by this misunderstood and underappreciated land. Reflecting on her happiest moments, the inevitable tragedies and the colorful patrons of her father's bar, this folksy and down-to-earth narrative will give the reader a fascinating and memorable glimpse of a rural town in an era when neighbors were close friends and shared the kind of grit so often missing in our modern, fast paced society."

The book includes photographs of Foxholm, families and individuals. In the section on "The History of St. Mary's Catholic Church," the author writes about Father Anthony Kopp, who was born in the village of Krasna, Bessarabia in 1891 and died at Garrison, ND, in 1964. The book, Memoirs of Father Anthony Kopp, was published in 1999.

Messer writes in the Preface: "The people I have chosen to include in my book were very important to me. They were honest, hardworking and strong with a sense of humor. They were good people who taught me, helped me, changed me, made me laugh and sometimes cry -- all of which help me to mold me into what I am today. These humble people did not lack intelligence but opportunity. Each had infinite powers waiting for developments and release.