Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht
Second and Enlarged Edition Containing Selected Portions from Prairie Poems and Parson to Parson By Arnold H. Marzolf Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Bismarck, North Dakota, 2004, 251 pages, Softcove
The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection is pleased to provide the new edition of Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht.
Father William C. Sherman writes in the Introduction: "When Professor Marzolf's Let's Talk German-Russian came off the press, I was convinced that it was a volume which was not only a delight to reach but also a deposit of precious cultural items which could easily have been lost in today's changing world. And my assessment was correct. It has proven to be a bit of a "best seller."
Now, it's a delight to welcome this Second Edition of Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht. This initial work has been expanded and this enlarged edition includes a new section called "Later Mixed Stories" and portions from two of Professor Marzolf's earlier books, Prairie Poems and Parson to Parson.
In effect, this new volume is really three books in one. "Later Mixed Stories" adds to the already extensive series of idioms and anecdotes. Parson to Parson and Prairie Poems continue the basic themes, but in a different literary style. What we have now is a rather sizeable collection of insights by a writer who combines a scholarly eye and an abundance of firsthand experience. There are many chuckles here, but under the surface there is a profound insight into the character of a remarkable people, the Germans from Russia, a people who settled a large portion of America's Great Plains.