Food 'N Folklore

Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Bismarck, North Dakota, 1976, 98 pages, Softcover. Compiled by Beata Mertz.

The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection is pleased to present Food 'n Folklore published by GRHS. As stated in the preface: "We dedicate Food 'n Folklore to the memory of our forefathers to endure the hardships involved in a new beginning in exchange for the freedoms so ardently sought. The bequest they left the generations that followed, in food and tradition, is a rich inheritance indeed to those who still cherish and practice the memory."

The book includes: cooking hints, home remedies, food and the pioneer wife, table etiquette, canning, the old black range, household hints, baked goods, meats, gardening hints, vegetables, soups, crockery, drinks, and mathematical puzzles. There are photographs and a detailed index.