Favorite Recipes, AHSGR

Southern Nevada Chapter, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2006, 68 pages, Softcover.

The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection is pleased to provide this excellent cookbook including primarily all ethnic German Russian recipes.

The cookbook contains many of our favorite recipes including: Soups & Salads - Borscht from Odessa, Russia; chicken noodle soup, German hot noodle salad, German hot potato salad, Gulyassuppe, Miltch Rivel Suppe, red beet salad and Schnitz Suppe; Vegetables & Side Dishes - red cabbage recipe, creamed cabbage, creamed cucumbers, German red cabbage, scalloped corn, scalloped potatoes and Suss Kraut.

Main Dishes include - Bauernfruhstuck, beef Goulasch, Bessarabian Halushka, Bierochs, Bratwurst in sour cream, Bunzas, butterballs, button dough, cherry noodle casserole, Dampf Nudele, Falscher Hase, fruit dumplings, German Rouladen, Grandma's Halupsy, Hasenpfeffer, Heavaglace, homemade noodles, Holuptsie, Kartoffel Knep, Kaseknepfle, Knepfla dough, Kraut and potatoes, Kraut Baraks, Kraut Birrok, Kraut burgers, Kraut meat pie, Odessa egg noodles, pork and dumplings, pork balls and sauerkraut, sauerkraut and buttons, sauerkraut and dumplings, sauerkraut Berok, Schupf Nudele, sour Kohl, Spatzle and Strudels.

Bread & Rolls include - almond Brot, Apelkuchen, Apfelstrudel, apple Kuchen, Bladginda, Blina, German apple kuchen, German apple pancakes, German rye bread, Kartoffelpuffer, Kuchen, Kugan coffee cake, Milton's German Stollen, peach Kuchen, Platchenda, potato pancakes, Russina Blinda, rye bread, suerkraut rye bread and Stollen.

Desserts include - baked rice pudding, black Russian bundt cake, bread pudding, buttermilk Grebbles, dough lemon Streusel cake, Gegangene Kuchle, German cottage cheese cakes, Grebel, Kuchla and sour cream pie.

Cookies & Candy include - applesauce cookies, easy molasses cookies, Lebkuchen, Pfeffernuse, Russian tea cakes, snow balls, Springerle and Zwetschgazippel.

This & That includes - catsup, dill pickles, egg nog, handmade hand lotion, homemade mustard, homemade sauerkraut, hot buttered rum, pickled beets, pickled eggs, pickled watermelon, pickled watermelons-cucumbers, spiced cider, sweet and spicy German mustard, watermelon honey, watermelon pickles and Zweibel Sosse.

Family names contributing to the cookbook include Bierwagon, Brehm, Gammel, Hahn, Jacobi, Jahnke, Kuehn, Leonard, Mackett, Meyer, Persinger, Roll, Roth, Schmidt, Stoll, Vlymen, Walters, Weigum and Weisgerber.