2005 Deutschen aus Russland Calendar

Prepared by the Historischer Forschungsverein der Deutschen aus Russland e.V., Haus der Heimat, Nurenberg, Germany, 2004, color photographs, 28 pages, text in German language. The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection is pleased to present this 2005 edition of this impressive color calendar prepared by the German historical organization in Nurenberg, Germany: Historische Forschungsverein der Deutschen aus Russland. Four previous calendars have been done in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.

Images and articles include the following: 1) Nelly Daes, author of Der Schlittschuh clown; 2) Samuel Contenius: Staatstrate Contenius - Wohltaeter der Deutschen Kolonisten in Neurussland; 3) photograph of farm house in Bishofsfeld (Jeremejewka) by Odessa; 4) Mennonite house in Russia; 5) Staatsterror 1937 and 1938 in the former Soviet Union with images; 6) photograph of 1981 with Lansmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland with Dr. Karl Stumpp and Pastor Heinrich Roemmich; 7) Baroness Juliane von Kruedener - Stammesmutter der Deutschen im Kaukasus; 8) Colony of Sarepta in 1765 and 1820; 9) the Ehresmann family from the village of Kandel, Kutschurgan District, Odessa; 10) Elisabeth Kulmann - eine Vergessene Dichterin; and other photos and images.

For further information, consult the website of the Historischer Forschungsverein der Deutschen aus Russland, see the website: http://www.hfdr.de. The website is in the German language only.